I go on psychotic rants about random shit on a regular basis. A lot of times these rants revolve around selfish people who think that they are way more important than they actually are. Naturally I decided to post these rants in a blog for everyone to see because I think that I am way more important than I actually am. Expect low brow commentary on any and everything with a liberal use of the word douchebag. And lots of commas. Lots and lots of commas.

Friday, June 4, 2010

And here I thought he didn't have his priorities in order

The best news articles that you read are the ones that are short, sweet and to the point. And ones that are very easy to ridicule when you decide to read between the lines and make up your own asides.

This is one of those articles.

The president is on the record again about LeBron James -- and this time, the people of Cleveland may be happier about it.

Oh thank god. It had been a while since the Prez weighed in on the fate of LeBron and I was starting to get worried. And here I was concerned he might have had something more important on his mind.

President Barack Obama told CNN on Thursday that it would be a terrific story if the basketball superstar stayed with the Cleveland Cavaliers instead of switching teams as a free agent.

That is so very, very true. Switching teams because you think it may benefit you professionally and/or financially will seriously fuck you in the end.

Said Obama: "That's a town that has had some tough times." The president said it would be a wonderful statement to Cleveland if James said: "I'm going to make a commitment to this city."

It would be almost as awesome as if the president commited to resolving the spill in the Gulf. "I'm not gonna rest or be satisfied until the leak is stopped." (You can skip to the 4:40 mark.)

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The president stuck to his point that James needs to find a winning situation with a good team and coach.

Riiiight. You mean like taking a back seat to the people who caused this fucking disaster in the first place for two weeks before finally deciding to take over the reigns? Awesome job, Barry.

But he did not gently nudge James toward the Chicago Bulls, Obama's hometown team, as the president did in an interview last month.

Holy fuck it had been a long time since he weighed in on BronBron.

Day 25 of spill

Day 34 of spill

Day 43 of spill

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