I go on psychotic rants about random shit on a regular basis. A lot of times these rants revolve around selfish people who think that they are way more important than they actually are. Naturally I decided to post these rants in a blog for everyone to see because I think that I am way more important than I actually am. Expect low brow commentary on any and everything with a liberal use of the word douchebag. And lots of commas. Lots and lots of commas.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Marty vs. Harry (Or: Who can be the bigger douche?)

Often times when I hear someone complain about Harry Reid I smile and think, "Yup, he's a douchebag." It's like that a lot with different confrontations people have, especially if it has to do with someone getting offended. In those situations usually the offender didn't mean anything wrong by what they said and the offendee is being a hypersensitive douchebag looking for publicity. Basically it's easy to pick a side and laugh at the bigger dumbass. This isn't one of those times.

Sometimes you get a perfect storm of douchebaggery and idiocy that makes it impossible to empathize with either side of the argument. It makes your head hurt to look at the arguments on both sides because you try and analyze it and then you have no choice but to slap your palm against your forehead over and over again.

That's the kind of situation we have here. Harry Reid made a statement that implied that men were more likely than women to commit acts of domestic violence. Whatever. But wait! The National Organization for Men (yup, that exisists) wants an apology. Ugh. Of course Reid said he won't apologize. Which, frankly, is fine by me. But who do I side with here? Both people involved in this situation are saying mind numbingly retarded things: Reid, that unemployment is making men more aggressive and thus more likely to beat their wives. And Marty Nemko, that men are bitches who are actually more likely to be victims of abuse but are afraid to admit it. And of course the co-president of the NOFM's name is Marty. Yeah, of course it is.

(Unrelated aside: Why is it that whenever some douchey person shows up on TV or in the movies they always have to name him Marty or Martin? It's not fucking fair. Martin is not a common name. It makes the disproportionate amount of losers on TV with the name offensive too. And frankly I feel well in my rights to be offended by it. Not like that bitch Marty Nemko who got whiney because some other pussy said men are more likely to hit women than the other way around.)

From Fox News:

Marty Nemko, co-president of The National Organization for Men, described Reid's comments as "irresponsible," citing numerous studies that show women are just as likely or even more so to commit domestic violence against their male partners.
Nemko also noted that that the police reports women advocacy organizations use are misleading because "men are embarrassed to say their wives beat them over the head with a frying pan."
"Instead of looking to try and find men jobs, he's bashing men completely unfairly,"

Nemko has a website. I looked at it for about 2 minutes before deciding he was a pretentious douchebag who I would probably want to blast in the face after two minutes of conversation. Self-important, pretentious ass holes are some of my least favorite people in the world and I am embarrassed to share a name with him. As for his arguments, I really don't give two fucks if a wife beats her husband. And do you know why? Because if a man is such a giant bitch that his bitch of a wife can get the better of him then maybe he deserves to be hit in the face with a frying pan. I mean holy shit, at least be able to sack up and divorce the cunt. And I don't care how misleading the data is, because a man SHOULD be embarrassed if he gets his ass kicked by a woman. Unless it's MMA fighter Gina Carano. She can kick my ass daily if she pleases.

"There is no question that people being out of work causes more people to be involved in domestic violence. I mean, I didn't make that up. I was told that by two people who run domestic crisis shelters," he said.
"I have met with some people while I was home dealing with domestic abuse. It has gotten out of hand. Why? Men don't have jobs. Women don't have jobs either, but women aren't abusive -- most of the time. Men, when they're out of work, tend to become abusive. Our domestic crisis shelters in Nevada are jammed. It's the way it is all over the country."

HOLY SHIT!! TWO PEOPLE?!?! YOU DIDN'T MAKE THAT UP!?!? My god Harry Reid is a fucking idiot. It takes a supreme set of retarded balls to try and use domestic abuse to advance some kind of political agenda. Reid is just so full of shit that he should be embarrassed. But no, he's not. He's a giant prick and I can't imagine what it would be like to deal with him personally. Every time he opens his mouth he reaffirms my belief that he is a whiney little bitch who is so out of touch with his constituents and American in general that it is astounding. As a matter of fact, I think his wife should put him in his place when he gets home to Nevada. Hopefully when he gets home to Nevada permanently after losing his bid for re-election in November.

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