I go on psychotic rants about random shit on a regular basis. A lot of times these rants revolve around selfish people who think that they are way more important than they actually are. Naturally I decided to post these rants in a blog for everyone to see because I think that I am way more important than I actually am. Expect low brow commentary on any and everything with a liberal use of the word douchebag. And lots of commas. Lots and lots of commas.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Not bad douc-- I mean Kobe

One of the few things that I hate more than basketball in general is Kobe Bryant in particular. He's a huge pretentious douchebag and frankly the specific reason that he sucks and I would laugh if he pulled a Magic and got AIDS is because he displays an astonishing lack of pride in where he comes from. He was born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia and for some reason despises the area. It would be different if he just didn't care about where he came from, but the fact that he goes out of his way to trash Philly makes me want to run him over with a car. That being said, and despite my hate of basketball and Kobe, this is impressive.

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