I go on psychotic rants about random shit on a regular basis. A lot of times these rants revolve around selfish people who think that they are way more important than they actually are. Naturally I decided to post these rants in a blog for everyone to see because I think that I am way more important than I actually am. Expect low brow commentary on any and everything with a liberal use of the word douchebag. And lots of commas. Lots and lots of commas.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yes, I know. A woman tried to whore herself out for World Series tickets

Thank you to every single Yankee fan I've ever met in my life for passing along the story of, in what I'm sure is an isolated incident that has never happened before in the history of ever, some jackass Philadelphian who tried to offer a cop sex in exchange for World Series tickets. On Craigslist.com. Awesome.

So her name is Susan Finkelstein and her post, to be clear, was pretty vague:
"DESPERATE BLONDE NEEDS WS TIX (Philadelphia) Diehard Phillies fan--gorgeous tall buxom blonde-- in desperate need of two World Series Tickets. Price negotiable--- I'm the creative type! Maybe we can help each other!"
So no, she didn't actually offer to blow someone outright for a chance to go to the game. I suppose it was implied with her assertion of certain physical attributes, but come on. It's also worthy of note that for someone who is "the creative type" that post had absolutely zero creativity to it and if she had been as creative as she thinks she is, she probably wouldn't have ended up in jail.

I'm OK with some middle aged woman trying to go to a baseball game. And to be perfectly honest with you, I don't even really care that she committed this particular crime. Prostitution is really one of those victimless crimes; like gambling and assaulting Mets fans. What I have a problem with is that she was such an idiot that she went onto Craigslist in order to attain this particular goal. Stupid people have no place in what would be considered polite company. I also take offense to her claims of being a gorgeous blonde, which she is not. If I was going to trade a Phillies Yankees World Series ticket for a hummer or a quick lay you better believe it's not going to be from some 43 year-old, married retard.

Now, as I've never solicited sex from a woman, actually, let me clarify. As I've never solicited sex from a woman in exchange for money, I don't know the exact etiquette required for such a transaction. So the Philadelphia PD has so much time on their hands that they saw a vaguely worded ad on Craigslist and proceeded to contact the woman and get her to proposition them. That's some stupid shit on two different levels. One, she didn't realize she was talking to a cop? Because as anyone who has ever watched a crime procedural on TV knows, cops have to identify themselves as cops and they can't let you incriminate yourself. THAT is entrapment! Wait, what? OOOOH. So I guess it's a little less cut and dry than those fancy Law & Order defense attorneys would have me believe. But hey, guess what Finkelstein? Bad things happen to stupid people. And second you're a fucking idiot for using Craiglist to get the tickets using sex anyway. I'm pretty sure the only thing people use CL for anyway is to solicit sex and sell stolen property.

People get caught committing crimes because they are either stupid or greedy. The only smart people you see getting picked up are the ones who are so greedy that it makes them make stupid mistakes. So let this be a lesson to you: if you are (at least in your own opinion) a "creative, gorgeous, buxom blonde" and you want to get tickets to a World Series baseball game and the first idea you have is to whore yourself out to a cop on Craigslist, here's what you do. I'll wait while you grab a piece of paper. Step one: go into the garage. Step two: turn on the car. Step three: take a fucking nap.

1 comment:

  1. Hey man...I use it to solicit sex, sell stolen property, and find roommates. Thank you very much.
