I go on psychotic rants about random shit on a regular basis. A lot of times these rants revolve around selfish people who think that they are way more important than they actually are. Naturally I decided to post these rants in a blog for everyone to see because I think that I am way more important than I actually am. Expect low brow commentary on any and everything with a liberal use of the word douchebag. And lots of commas. Lots and lots of commas.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey look everyone, it's an ass hole making life difficult for other people!!

I know what you're thinking. Cool shirt, right? WRONG mother fucker!!! That is a blue and white piece of Christian propaganda right there. Just take a second and look at it. See? It's actually a cross. It has nothing to do with promoting Penn State football. It has nothing to do with school spirit. It certainly has nothing to do with Penn State's newest tradition of "whiting out" Beaver Stadium during football games. No, it's the university's attempt to indoctrinate its students with religious values, pure and simple. At least that's what the Philadelphia chapter of the Anti Defamation League and student Michal Berns, among others, would like you to believe.

Holy fuck is that retarded. Would you like to know why people take issue with groups like the Anti Defamation League, ACLU, NOW and NAMBLA? It's because of complaints about stupid shit like this. Well, except NAMBLA. I think people mostly take issue with them because of the whole gay pedophilia thing. But when people go overboard looking for reasons to bitch and moan about something it creates a boy who cried wolf type scenario when something actually worth bitching about comes up. Instead you get a, "Oh Christ. Are those people complaining about something again?" type of attitude.

Michal Berns, you madam, are a douchebag:

Michal Berns, a junior majoring in media law and policy, said she refused to buy the $15 shirt because of its religious connotations.
"At first glance, you don't necessarily think that's what it looks like, but when you look at it more, it does look like a cross," Berns told Foxnews.com. "That's the reason I didn't purchase it."

Are you for fucking real? YOU JUST ADMITTED THAT YOU DIDN'T NOTICE ANYTHING WRONG AT FIRST!!! Whiny little bitches like her are the reason people like me have to write blogs. Chances are, if you have to contemplate whether something offends you or not then it's probably really not all that offensive and you are just being a hyper-sensitive jerk off.

I do not lack empathy. Really, I don't. I get irritated over all kinds of stupid things and can understand that other people are likely to get pissed about equally asinine things. It's pretty hard to offend me and as a white male I think it's actually against the rules for me to be offended by anything. My problem comes when people go out of their way to find something to get angry about. I don't LIKE going into psychotic rages about ridiculous things like t-shirts and bumper stickers, so I don't seek out things to make me mad. People like the ADL and Berns just make life difficult for the rest of us with their inane bitching and moaning about a non-issue and really need to focus their energies elsewhere. Somewhere like the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

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