I go on psychotic rants about random shit on a regular basis. A lot of times these rants revolve around selfish people who think that they are way more important than they actually are. Naturally I decided to post these rants in a blog for everyone to see because I think that I am way more important than I actually am. Expect low brow commentary on any and everything with a liberal use of the word douchebag. And lots of commas. Lots and lots of commas.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Aaaand we've hit a new low

OK. I actually started this blog a few months ago because I was going on these psychotic rants about Facebook status updates and how they are wildly out of control and bring new depth to the phrase "too much information" almost every day. It's hypocritical, really, because I read them. I log onto FB multiple times a day. If people didn't let me know every minuscule detail of their boring ass lives, there'd be nothing for me to read while I'm bored at the office. It's also ironic that I found an outlet for this frustration in the form of what is essentially a long form status update in this blog, hence the title Hypocritical Irony. I have trouble grasping the appeal of sharing every minute detail of your life down to health and financial woes with what amounts, basically, to strangers. Sure I have a lot of FB friends but do you know how many I actually communicate with regularly? Maybe 20? It's a great tool. Don't get me wrong. I like being able to occasionally drop a line to a friend from high school or college just to say high and see how they are. Unfortunately, though, some people out there obviously think so much of themself that they are under the impression that we all want to know exactly where their life is going. I was lamenting to a friend yesterday, a friend I talk to just about every day, that I am more aware of a FB friend's emotional, familial and financial situations than I was about hers. And that's fine with me. She's one of my best friends and the funny thing is that she probably wouldn't be if every other word out of her mouth was a self-absorbed lamentation about how badly her life sucks.

This brings us to the FB friend and the reason for this post. Today she posted that she was seeking Xanax. That's a prescription drug for anxiety, kids. What was the exact FB update? Why, I'm glad you asked! "***: needs xanax. anyone donating?" The following replies came in:
"I have some on me actually if u want i can mail some to u lol

Got Valium.... same thing almost

It's not very hard to get Xanax. I used to have anxiety attacks but if you just describe what's going on, they prescribe it

I'm not a lawyer, of course, but I'm just thinking that publicly seeking prescription medication that you aren't prescribed probably violates some kind of law. And even thinking about letting someone mail it to you, which I'm fucking POSITIVE is illegal, is just being a selfish and shitty person.

Now, over the last several months this friend has publicly lamented marital problems, financial problems, child rearing problems and medical problems. I'm not a heartless man. Well, actually I am a little. But that's a different story. Regardless, it is not even remotely appropriate for her to share this with her 313 (actually 312 in about five minutes) friends. It bears mentioning, too, that the majority of these problems were 100% avoidable if better decision making had been made personally and professionally over the last few years.

It's gotten to the point where I have adopted a jaded attitude towards her misfortune. I just don't care any more, and I'm not feeling all that great about it. If i had heard about this through the grapevine I'd probably be willing to help in any way that I could. But this is ridiculous. Instead of seeking solutions to problems, it's a pity party that's being sought out. I'm not buying in. Sorry.

It's not just her either. Every day I read posts about someone screaming for attention. I can't find a boyfriend. I hate my job. Uh oh, just got some bad news. Sooo busy. I'll never get everything I need to done. If people spend less time telling everyone about their problems and more time trying to remedy them, I'm thinking that there would ultimately be a lot less to bitch and moan about.

That's all.


  1. Spot on...more annoying are the posts about someone dieing. Mourning should be a very personal thing, not a plea for attention. "Oh I'm so sorry you lost so and so, wait no I'm not, i think you're a tool for urging people to show you sympathy."

  2. I read an article not too long ago that was really quite interesting and it pertained directly to whether or not people in today's society are really that self-absorbed of is there something else behind the incessant ..."here is everything about me" face book update. Unfortunately I am not sure where I read it. So I will try to give you the conclusion without any of the arguments... LOL

    It stated that, in the large scale environment that has made everyone so distant from one another, we look to digress to the small village/town mentality. We as people, in past times, lived in tight knit communities that needed to know your emotional and physical state as a way to assess the level of security the community felt. It also read that people are just trying to be a part of something that is instinctual in nature. So it maybe important for you to know that your friend cannot do battle because they are in a state of psychosis.

    If I find the article again, I will send it along. Just any FYI, I am broke, my job is crazy hectic, my dog ate my cat, and my ex wives have joined a team to savagely cannibalize me (as if there was any other way but savagely)

  3. I'm going to link her to your blog.
