I read those lyrics and I think that whoever wrote them must be retarded. Mind numbing, window licking, have you seen my baseball retarded. Not to mention the fact that maybe the reason why the whole back end of my generation sucks is because a show geared specifically for them featured a song about jizz. When you read the whole thing your brain wants to just ooze out of your ears and it's incomprehensible that it is a funny song. That is why Samberg is a genius. When you actually see them perform it it's brilliant. It is genuinely funny and while it does cater to the lowest common denominator (as most television does) the way it is done makes you forget for a second that you are amused by a song about ejaculate. I don't think many people could pull of a song about jizz, but he managed to do it spectacularly.The next day My alarm goes off And I jizz in my pants
Open my window and a breeze rolls in And I jizz in my pants
When Bruce Willis was dead at the end of Sixth Sense I jizzed in my pants
I just ate a grape And I jizzed in my pants
Yeah, so spell check picks up jizz as a word it doesn't know. Ever write something and then have the frequency of the word jizz become apparent after it's highlighted in flourescent yellow? I'll show myself out. Jizz.
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