I go on psychotic rants about random shit on a regular basis. A lot of times these rants revolve around selfish people who think that they are way more important than they actually are. Naturally I decided to post these rants in a blog for everyone to see because I think that I am way more important than I actually am. Expect low brow commentary on any and everything with a liberal use of the word douchebag. And lots of commas. Lots and lots of commas.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

And today in "It's OK to be douchebags if it's for religion" news:

Being hypersensitive or hyperserious about something is no fun. It's also no way to go through life (not unlike fat, drunk and stupid) because when you're that psycho about something it's really really easy for people to set you off and make you look like a big giant douchebag. It's ironic really because one of the things in my life that I am very serious about is how much I hate people who are too serious about anything.

I don't tend to get worked up about very serious or important issues. Instead I choose to flip out into multi-dimensional states of pissed off about shit that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme. The reason I don't go nuts about huge issues is because chances are there is not one fucking thing I can do about it, whereas little miniscule things that go wrong that I can control make me want to punch babies. Things like being late.

Now, if there is one group of hypersensitive assholes who deserve to to be drowned in their own guilt and self loathing it's religious people. I'm pretty sure that words like "hypocrisy" and phrases like "would you shut the fuck up" were created with these people in mind. For thousands and thousands of years god and religion have been used to persecute, harm and divide people. That is so fucking beyond stupid that it is almost funny. The very tenents that serve as the foundation for just about every religion I can think of, besides Buddhism, are the very things that will make zealots kill and defame people.

"I was raised a Catholic" is essentially the explanation I give to people when they ask me why I choose not to be religious and why I think that organized religion in general is hypocritical and useless. And let's be honest, throughout history the Catholics have done a wonderful job of being big huge assholes as they attempted to impose their will on everyone else in what essentially amounts to a 2000 year long cash grab. Speaking of big giant assholes, let's talk about Islam.

Usually a religion's hypocrisy and intolerance are understated and subtle, kind of like racism. Everyone knows it's there but it can sort of be ignored if you choose to ignore it. Not these fuckers. Most other religions hold faithfully that their god is the, uh, "real" god. But these days they don't go around assaulting people if they say, "no your god is not the real god." Or if they show pictures of the guy who started this particular fairy tale. Or if they otherwise talk shit. It's pretty brazen, though, to not just believe your god is the only god but to then acknowledge other religion's gods and assert that yeah maybe they exist but seriously, ours came first and yours is more like a cousin.

And let's take a second to acknowledge that not all of the followers of Islam are lunatics. Most of them are only as crazy as the next religious person. But like the squeeky wheel, the one with bombs strapped to their chest are the ones who get attention. The problem, is that while practices of terrorism and murder and assault on behalf of Muhammad and Islam are looked down upon is the world, nothing is done about them. Just because something is done in the name of religion does not make it right. And it shouldn't make it tolerable.

Lars Vilks is the man who depicted Muhammad in a series of cartoons a few years back and was the victim of death threats and possibly a legitimate plan to follow through on those threats. He made news again this week when he was attacked while screening a film made that juxtaposed Islam and homosexuality. He was giving a presentation on free speech when the assault occurred. Ironically, according to the muslim crowd free speech is to be valued only when you agree with it. Kind of like with the left in the United States. (Uh, oh. Did he just compare liberals to psycho Muslim assholes? I think he did!!) Below is the video of the assault. It's sad really. The guy was trying to incite the crowd. They fell for it. And now he has broken glasses and we have another example of the lunatic Muslim fringe overreacting with violence instead of turning the other cheek.

Ok, so I got Catholics, Muslims, and liberals. I feel like I'm forgetting another obnoxious group of assholes that I should be pissing off. Who are they? Wait, it'll come to me. Oh, right...

Yankees fans. Fuck those guys.

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