I go on psychotic rants about random shit on a regular basis. A lot of times these rants revolve around selfish people who think that they are way more important than they actually are. Naturally I decided to post these rants in a blog for everyone to see because I think that I am way more important than I actually am. Expect low brow commentary on any and everything with a liberal use of the word douchebag. And lots of commas. Lots and lots of commas.

Monday, October 19, 2009

As it turns out, yup, anyone who wants to can have a kid

Some people should not be allowed to reproduce. Ever. I am not the picture of responsibility but I have absolutely zero problem calling out the author of this particularly idiotic Facebook status update on October 18:
Mother of the Year: all you nurses/med professionals out there: Sean has a 103.4 fever diarrhea, vomiting yesterday morning......Should I go to the ER or is it safe to wait it out until tomorrow, waiting to hear back from the doctor too. Have him on kid's motrin and trying to keep him hydrated! I need some advice please!!

Holy fuck. I have a three year old niece. I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if she was puking and shitting all over the place and also had a 103 degree fever her ass would be in the ER before I had a chance to update my precious fucking Facebook status.

I am aware that this observation is not terribly unique or clever; but, you need a license to have a gun and drive a car. You also need a license to practice medicine, which is to say you need a license to provide medical care to another person. There are professionals who have such licenses that I like to call "Doctors." As it turns out, if something hurts or you are puking and shitting uncontrollably with a high fever you can call these "Doctors" and they will help to diagnose and treat your particular ailments. To the best of my knowledge, they do not offer consultations via Facebook.

What we have here is a parent who is "waiting to hear back from the doctor" as her son is clearly very sick. I have a hard time comprehending how you can have your child in such a terrible state and not panic. How do you not freak the fuck out when your first and only child is sick like that? In the interest of full disclosure, it became apparent after the doctor returned the call that fluids and rest would do the trick, however, such a lack of apparent concern and proactive action is inexcusable. Kids have no say in who their parents are and how their parents choose to rear them. Is it so much to ask that someone with that kind of responsibility actually exhibit some?

1 comment:

  1. I have been saying this for years to the dismay of many; except, you said it a little bit more gently.

    There should be a written, oral and genetic test... AT LEAST.
