Then you very clearly have not been reading this blog. That kid is a shameful douchebag who deserves to catch a line drive right in the nuts. (Hey, he should be wearing a cup anyway.)
"It's alright. Let's go. We're going to come up again."
"Can I just hit this batter?"
"What? No. No."
"Let's get this guy. Come on. We're still in this game. One-run game. You wanna stay in?"
"You wanna come out right now?"
"Yes, I do. Can I sit out?"
"No, you're going to first base."
Boo, fucking, hoo you pansy. There are unwritten rules in baseball about decorum, retaliation and hitting opposing players with pitches. (Not in Little League, but you get the point.) It is not in these rules that you get to bean a player because you blew the lead in an important game. It is also not in these rules that you can request to be removed from a game in such an embarrassingly and shamefully indignant manner.
That kid let down himself, his teammates, his coach and the parents who traveled to the game. But that's not even a problem. It's OK. He just lost a baseball game. That happens. A lot. That's why every young boy in America should have to play baseball at least for a few years. Baseball as a game is designed for you to fail. The best batters in Major League Baseball make an out almost two thirds of the time they come to the plate. Baseball is a game that teaches you not only to appreciate your successes, but also to handle your failures in a mature and responsible fashion. Even if you are a bratty fucking 12-year-old.
Plus, the game wasn't fucking over yet. The coach even let him know that: "Hey, we're still in this thing." But no. His reaction to failure was a desire to take his ball and go home. Fuck. That. I'm so glad, too, that the coach made him keep his ass out on the field. It would have been just as big of a failure from a coaching perspective to allow him to run away and hide in the dugout.
That kid's dad needs to sit him down and explain to him that being a pussy is no way to go through life. When you run into adversity you can't just run away. You have to man up and deal with it. He lost a baseball game. That's unfortunate. What happens 20years from now when he loses, oh, say, his job? Is he going to go home to his wife and say "Can I just go back there and shoot them?" Of course I'm speaking in hyperbole. Naturally I don't mean to imply that being a pansy on the baseball fields necessarily equates to being a psychotic murderer who will go on a rampage when he gets older. But come on. I would be embarrassed if my kid pulled that kind of shit on a diamond during a regular game, let alone if he's mic'd the fuck up on ESPN.
Every year when the final game of the Little League World Series rolls around the winning team celebrates and then the camera pans to the dugout of the losers and there's just a sea of crying kids. I always think about how much they suck when I see them blubbering like that. But you know what? I would rather see the kids cry and acknowledge that they came up short and are disappointed than watch them get angry, ask to hurt the superior team, then try and run away.
Good luck in high school, ass hole.
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